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Attached  you will find:
  • the updates on the EF apps (both vendor & non-vendor specific) regarding owner info, equipment info and signature.  All changes are highlighted in yellow.
  • “Mock-up” of the design for the requested print functionality.   We discussed on a previous call where the KEF team wants applicants to be able to print the blank application if they prefer paper.   The pdfs that this would link to would need to be unique for each vendor and then we would have a general one for the non-vendor specific application.  We tried to dissuade them from this, but they want it.
Let me know if you have any questions on the attached. .

Hey Wil,
There’s a lot to go through here, so let me know if you want to hop on a call to walk through it all.
Listed below is the list of items that need to be completed and attached are the change request documents for each so that you have records for the requests.
One important thing to note here is that the KEF team is still figuring out some things for items 4 & 5 around # of owners and signatures; but I didn’t want to wait any longer to get all of this over to you.  I think we can at least begin working on 1-3 and updating the first screen of the form on #4.
Let me know if I’m missing anything.
Checklist of Items to Complete:
  1. Update Entry Screen for https://kapitus.com/fast-application/.
    1. Details in attached document: Fast Application – KEF Design Changes – 1.22.2025
    1. Details in attached document: Customize Your Journey – KEF Design Changes – 1.22.2025
  2. Update Navigation for all vendor specific forms Example: https://kapitus.com/equipment-financing-application/texas-pride-trailers/
    1. EF Vendor Specific App – KEF Design Changes – 1.22.2023
  3. Update non-vendor-specific equipment financing application form with new list of fields
    1. Non-vendor-specific – KEF Online Application Fields – 1.24.2025
  4. Update vendor specific equipment financing application form with new list of fields
    1. Vendor Specific – KEF Online Application Fields – 1.24.2025
  5. Update legal disclaimers for both vendor-specific and non vendor-specific versions of the application
    1. Details in attached document: EF online form disclaimer – 1.24.2025
  6. Testing routing is working appropriately – is this something you are able to do?  I don’t have access to SF, so I can’t do any QA for those, but I can do tests for the kefapps email test.  Just let me know what you would like me to do here.